Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Cancer: June 22 to July 22 Planet Moon animal or Fish etc ( Crab)
This is the sign I was born under. any one that has read anything about this sign know it is considered the Mother earth that nurtures and cares for there family . The planet moon, makes them a moon child, sometimes moody and unpredictable ,as they are from the sea there mood changes with the tides. They like the crab will go backward sidewards and around,but when they decide to bring out their claw and grab you they will hold you for the rest of there life loyal that they are.

In familes it is helpful to know the signs of each member. I don't know any family that doesn't have conflict with some members . Strife is part of that. But Family we are and hopefully the love will win.
For me as today is Valentines day I am hoping to see only the good.
So as today is Valentines day I am honoring some males in my family.
My Brother-in-law Fred who has been married to my Sister for their whole life and has taken care of and loved her all these years.
My Brother-in law Ray who as been married to my sister forever, who no matter who you are you are always welcome in his home and he treats will . Even your dogs .
My Grandson David who has become a caring man who comes to the aid of others.
my Grandson Aaron who has helped me so many times with my computer ,installed equipment and has not ever said anything mean to me.
My son who calls me just to say hi mom and who doesn't want to call me if soemthing's wrong because he doesn't want me to worry.


  1. You are such a wonderful CRAB we all love you so very

  2. You have some good men in your life.
