Sunday, April 12, 2009

Garden of Eden

This is a fig tree. Once called the tree of life.
Figs are a whole food. Has everything you need to be healthy. fiber protien, grain as in seeds natural sugar. The birds love this tree. Rabbits and quail also love to just be around this tree.
Just one more natural great source, we just don't
even think about. my husband loves to go here
when the figs are ripe. He could just eat them from the tree, now me that's a different story.
The importance of this tree is that I think it has been here from the beganing of time.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that tree was so important. Do you remember that huge fig tree in Santa Paula across the street from the train depot on 10th Street? It looks like it,s been here from the beginning of time.
