Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snow Again ?

Now This is what I call global warming. Only the warm moved the wrong direction. Snow first eye opener of the day. (I tried a new hair dresser today.) I took one look and thought I think I'll go home and shave my head. I'm stilling thinking about bald is good.
I am getting material together for Reiki Class this Sunday. This is the Master Class. Which is a lot more to teach than First and Second Level.
So tonight I am going to bed and do a Reiki treatment on myself, who know's my hair my change. Miracle stuff.


  1. Sorry about your hair I was hopeing it would be a good hair day. Good luck with your Reiki Masters class.

  2. Just as you were, I was shocked this morning when I got up. I checked the therometer on the porch and it read 64 degrees and now, at 3 pm, it is reading 79. I wish this "cold"front wouold just leave!
